Our Story – Our Goal

March 8 | BY PÅ(FYLL)™

We at På(fyll) have made it our mission to tackle one of the biggest challenges for the future consumer market: the ever-growing pile of plastic waste.

På(fyll) was originally started as a partnership in 2019, with a team from the three visionary companies ÆRA, Bakken & Bæck, and Orkla Home & Personal Care (OHPC). Together, they saw the opportunity to create a solution to address the problem of the ever-increasing use of single-use plastic.

Every year, over 350 million tons of plastic waste are generated. Over 60% of it comes from consumer goods and packaging, and only 9% of the plastic waste is recycled. In Norway, we are among those with the highest consumption per inhabitant. Therefore, we must change our consumption patterns, and as soon as possible. Hence, we need more circular services.

Our Vision: Zero waste accessible to everyone in the Nordic region

Our goal of making the zero waste lifestyle easy and more accessible to everyone in the Nordic region is an ambitious objective, but we also believe it's absolutely necessary to meet the challenges related to climate and the environment.

Our Mission: Value in every single package

To realize this vision, we offer products you already love and use, in containers that can be used again and again. På(fyll) thus gives everyone the opportunity to take active steps towards a more sustainable future.

How it started

In 2018, news about the whale with a stomach full of plastic, which stranded on Sotra, went around the world. This was in a way the start of På(fyll). This was also the year many asked the question: "How can we do something to prevent this in the future?". Together with Æra and Bakken & Bæck, we developed what today is På(fyll).

Orkla Home & Personal Care then began looking at how they could build a service to reduce the single-use of plastic from their standpoint. It started with 9 households, who received a simplified version of the service. After some testing, we found that there was potential and wanted to pursue it.

Packing boxes

This is just the beginning

Early in 2022, På(fyll) launched a pilot version with 100 households in Norway. Experiences from ongoing data analysis and insight enabled us to develop and improve the service along the way, and by fall 2023 we were ready to scale up the service to a broader market. Now we are finally well underway, but we will continuously improve all aspects of På(fyll) and expand with more products for the household.

På(fyll) is a result of collaboration between experts from different fields, including market understanding, branding, innovation, sustainability, industrial design, strategy, and engineering. All to make your everyday life easier while helping you reduce the use of single-use plastic.

Help to make more environmentally friendly choices

På(fyll) is a circular refilling service that helps you reduce the amount of plastic waste at home, while you never run out of the household items you need every day. We deliver the products to your home in specially designed and reusable containers, and pick them up when you need a refill.

Never run out of products you use every day

The goal was to offer a circular service that makes it easier for you to reduce the amount of plastic waste, and make your everyday life easier because you have one less thing to worry about: Always have access to familiar household products such as OMO, Zalo, Lano and Klar at home.


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