
March 8 | BY PÅ(FYLL)™

På(fyll) delivers everyday products that you need refills home to you and takes the empty container back. It's a bit like a modern version of the milkman from the old days.

With circularity and sustainability in mind, we have chosen to join an existing delivery service - Helthjem - as a kind of collective transport. A few days after you have ordered a refill from our online store, your refill is delivered to your home. Either on your doorstep or in your letter box, depending on where you live.

Easy refill ordering

All our containers have a unique QR code. When you need a refill of something, simply scan the code with your mobile phone. You will then be taken directly to our online store, where you can order your refill. You can also request a return there.

We pick up your return from the doormats in the buildings where Helthjem couriers deliver. If there is a common box for pickup and delivery, this does not apply (this is rare). If you live in a house with your own letter box, please place the return there, even if the couriers sometimes leave deliveries on the doormat.

If you order multiple products at once, they will be delivered in a returnable reusable box. You can use the same box for returns. The reusable box makes transportation easier while protecting the containers during transit.

På(fyll)-box delievered on your doorstep

It's that easy to have the products you need in your daily life delivered to your home. Plus, it means fewer trips to and from the store.

We deliver to addresses all over the country.

Helthjem is a major distributor of packages, magazines, and newspapers in Norway, collecting and delivering over 1.3 million products all over the country every night. Helthjem is backed by Schibsted, Amedia, and Polaris.


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