Meet our Product Manager, Peter

A photograph of Peter. He is looking at the camera and slightly smiling and he is wearing a white shirt. He is standing in front of a blurred background of an Oslo street

How did you find your way into På(fyll)?

The designer told me that the CTO wanted to hire a product manager, so I got in touch and we started talking. I’d worked with both of them before, and knew that they’d found something interesting to work on. I also knew that our shared values about healthy teams must make På(fyll) a great workplace.

I turned out to have good timing, which helps. More importantly, the more I learned about På(fyll), and the more people I talked to, the more I realised how much the world needs this service.

What excites you the most about working with På(fyll) and what motivates you every morning?

På(fyll) has an opportunity to prove to big companies that they can operate more sustainably. This, and the challenge of tackling sustainability at the same time as other hard problems excites me the most. As well as introducing a new kind of consumer service, we also need to invent a new kind of last-mile supply chain. This makes our mission both realistic as well as inspiring, and that motivates me every day.

Building a service that has to solve so many interesting problems gives me a hard product management challenge, and that excites me. We have to focus on solving the right problems at each stage, so we can make progress in the overall mission.

Can you give us a glimpse into a typical day working at På(fyll)?

My work varies as much as any project manager’s. I mix learning from the latest customer feedback and customer behaviour data, working on product opportunities with the designer, unblocking developers, improving customer experiences, and staying connected to everyone.

På(fyll) differs from where I’ve worked before in how few recurring meetings I have - only four or five per week. Instead, I mostly work asynchronously, combined with one-on-one conversations. This gives me a lot of space for both deep work and personal connections. On top of all that, I love focus time at the end of the day, when I spend two hours writing in my local cafe, to consolidate what I’ve learned.

What's the best thing about På(fyll)?

I most appreciate the privilege to work with people who care so much about two things: building a high-functioning team, and embracing a worthwhile mission. Psychological safety unlocks productivity and requires real work from everyone - the biggest open secret in tech. Similarly, motivation requires meaningful purpose, but so few of us have that in our jobs. At På(fyll) we can consider ourselves lucky to have both.


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