Frequently asked questions

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The service

What is På(fyll)™?

På(fyll)™ is a service that makes it easier for you to live more environmentally friendly by reducing the use of single-use plastics.

How does På(fyll)™ work?

På(fyll)™ works so that you order the everyday products you need for cleaning and personal care.

What is meant by På(fyll)™?

We called the service På(fyll)™ from filling up and refilling itself.

Who is behind På(fyll)™?

På(fyll)™ is a result of cooperation between Orkla, Era and The ground.

Do you want to get to know På(team) better? Get to know the founder and COO, Bård Bringsrud Svensen.


What products does På(fyll)™ offer?

As of today, we offer products from well-known Norwegian brands such as Zalo, Lano, Omo, Milo and Klar.

Will there be more products?

The short answer is: Yes! Send them to us in an email or on social media.

Why don't you have perfume-free products?

This is something we want to offer and which we are working to be able to offer in the long term.

Here we have to test and explore a part of how we solve it.

The container

What is a På(fyll)™ container?

A På(fyll)™ container is a reusable container (0.9 l and 2 l) with a screw cap. In this article you can read more about the design and the idea behind the container.

We are building a system that makes it possible to use the containers for many years to come.

What is the container made of?

The container itself is made of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) while the cap is made of Polypropylene (PP).

How do you fill the På(fyll)™ container?

Our bottling line can be adapted to the sizes and needs that we have, depending on how much demand there is for the product.

These large cans are sent to be washed and reused in an industrial system, allá the EUR-pallet system.


What can be used as a dispenser?

In everyday life, we recommend that you use smaller bottles that you already have, for example a hand soap dispenser.

You simply pour the contents of the På(fyll)™ container into smaller dispensers that you can have standing in front of you.

In the winter of 2023/2024, we will be able to offer På(fyll)™ dispensers.

What is a perpetual dispenser?

We call them perpetual dispensers because they have been developed with all aspects in mind throughout the life cycle of the dispensers.

We already have the infrastructure that makes it easy to deliver and pick up goods at your home.

Here you can read more about the idea behind our På(fyll)™ dispensers

What are the dispensers made of?

Our dispensers are made from the same material as our På(fyll)™ container.

What kind of dispensers can I buy from På(fyll)™?
    We have developed 5 different dispensers.
    • Squeeze bottle: A dispenser perfect for shower soap or shampoo.
    • Spray bottle: Can be used for cleaning agents such as Klar kitchen spray or other cleaning agents you want in a spray bottle.
    • Spray bottle: A dispenser perfect for washing-up liquid such as Klar and Zalo.
    • Dosing bottle: This dispenser is intended for use with liquid detergents for washing clothes, such as OMO, Klar and Milo.
    • Soap dispenser: Our soap dispenser is a pump bottle for hand soap, such as Lano and Klar.
What are the labels of the dispensers made of?

The labels are also made of polyethylene. The ones we are testing now are actually in a recycled quality of this material. Polyethylene is a good material to recycle with the dispenser bottles as they are made of the same material.

The dispenser was broken, what do I do now?

Sometimes things break. If this happens, contact us by email and we will help you. Our dispensers and the system we have established enable us to replace parts that break. This means that it is functionally not necessary for you to buy a new dispenser.


How do you order På(fyll)™?

The first time you order På(fill), you do so via our website. You put the products you need in the shopping basket, when you are ready you press go to checkout, create your account and pay.

When do I order more På(fyll)™?

When you have filled your dispenser and the På (fill) container is empty, simply scan the QR code on the container to order a refill and to pick up the empty container. Then you still have soap left in your dispenser, so you can get a new refill in plenty of time.


How do you pay for På(fyll)™?

You can quickly and easily pay with Vipps for everything you order.

I have a discount code. How do I add it?

When you have to pay. Click on the line under “Your order”. It should say “Discount”. Click on it and “Add”. Then all you have to do is enter the discount code.


How is På(fyll)™ priced?

We do not aim to be the cheapest, but we will offer reasonable prices and we are constantly working to be at about the same level as other grocery stores.

You can read more about how we are priced in this article.

How much does På(fyll)™ cost?

Our prices are roughly at the same level as similar products in grocery stores.


How are the containers delivered/picked up?

The top-up På(fyll)™ containers are delivered to your home, on your doormat or in your letterbox.

The products are delivered and collected through HeltHjem, which delivers to mainland Norway 6 days a week, and in some areas also on Sundays.

Here you can read more about delivery of På(fyll)™

Do I have to be at home when På(fyll)™ is delivered?

No, you do not need to be at home to receive or return the Top up (fill) containers. In fact, we collect the empty containers and deliver new ones completely contactless.

How much does shipping cost?

You get free shipping on orders over NOK 295. For individual orders, it costs NOK 39 for delivery. Returns are always free.

Do you deliver all over Norway?

Your order is delivered to your doormat or letterbox, depending on the type of home and neighborhood you live in. Therefore check that the address you have entered is correct, and check both the letterbox and the doormat. If the order has not been delivered, you can contact HeltHjem customer service on +47 400 64 009.


How is På(fyll)™ more sustainable than single-use plastic?

Buying På(fyll)™ means a significantly lower footprint compared to traditional shopping methods. NORSUS shows that you save as much as up to 80% of the climate impact by filling up products via På(fyll)™ rather than buying these in the store in disposable packaging.

Here you can read a summary of the research report.

But doesn't the cost go up in terms of transport?

We are continuously working on ways to make the service even better and more environmentally friendly. We have therefore chosen to deliver the products through HeltHjem, an already existing public transport for parcel shipments that delivers newspapers, magazines and parcels all over the country. In this way, we do not burden the environment any further.

Circular economy

What do you mean by På(fyll)™ being a circular service?

På(fyll)™ is a circular service as the products are delivered in reusable containers, which are made so that they can be easily used again and again.

Here you can read more about circular economy.