Never run out of the everyday products you need

Woman pouring soap from På(fyll) container into dispenser

Save 30% of CO2 emissions by refilling 2 containers

Refilling washing up liquid in the kitchen

På(fyll) is a new circular service that ensures you always have the products you need.

Find out how På(fyll) works

How it works

How it works

Order exactly what you need from our online platform, and we’ll deliver freshly filled containers directly to your doorstep.

How it works

Fill dispensers

If you have them, fill up any dispensers with product from your containers, and then you’re ready to go.

Fill dispensers

Scan to reorder

Whenever you’re running low, scan the QR code on your container or go to to order a refill.

Scan to reorder

Receive your refill

We’ll deliver another freshly filled container straight away. Leave your empty ones outside, and we’ll collect them to be washed, refilled, and used again and again.

Receive your refill

Learn more about På(fyll)

Frequently asked questions

Who is behind På(fyll)?

På(fyll) is a result of cooperation between Orkla, Era and The ground.

Do you want to get to know På(team) better? Get to know the founder and COO, Bård Bringsrud Svensen.

Why don't you have perfume-free products?

This is something we want to offer and which we are working to be able to offer in the long term.

Here we have to test and explore a part of how we solve it.

How is På(fyll) priced?

We do not aim to be the cheapest, but we will offer reasonable prices and we are constantly working to be at about the same level as other grocery stores.

You can read more about how we are priced in this article.

How is På(fyll) more sustainable than single-use plastic?

Buying På(fyll) means a significantly lower footprint compared to traditional shopping methods. NORSUS shows that you save as much as up to 80% of the climate impact by filling up products via På(fyll) rather than buying these in the store in disposable packaging.

Here you can read a summary of the research report.

View all FAQs

Discover Our Products

  • Soap


  • Cleaning


  • Laundry detergent

    Laundry detergent
